Livraison de poissons et coraux bientôt disponible!
418-476-3674 - 1375 Frank-Carrel, Québec (Sainte-Foy), G1N 2E7
Disponibilité: En rupture de stock

Discus Gran D-50 Plus Sinking Granules - 440 g

Tropical Discus Gran D-50 Plus Sinking Granules is a nutrient-rich food that contains 50% high-quality protein and essential amino acids. A high natural astaxanthin content intensifies colouration and enhances your fish's overall condition, while beta-glucan improves the immune system and increases the ability to fight pathogens. Discus Gran D-50 Plus Sinking Granules promotes growth, development and reproduction in young and adult discus alike.

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