Livraison de poissons et coraux bientôt disponible!
418-476-3674 - 1375 Frank-Carrel, Québec (Sainte-Foy), G1N 2E7
Numéro de l'article: 5152
Disponibilité: En rupture de stock

Calcium is a major constituent of calcareous algae, skeletal material of hard corals and the skeletal needles of soft/leather corals. Calcium also fulfills many biological functions.

Quite often a too low calcium concentration retards coral and calcareous algae growth.

NSW contains 400 – 450 mg/L calcium. Which is also the value we should strive for. For a stable aquarium environment the fluctuation in calcium content should preferably not more than approx. 15 mg/L. This automatically means that the calcium test should be able to monitor comparable fluctuations.

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