Livraison de poissons et coraux bientôt disponible!
418-476-3674 - 1375 Frank-Carrel, Québec (Sainte-Foy), G1N 2E7
Numéro de l'article: 2347
Disponibilité: En stock (2)

Reef Colors - D (Bioactive Minerals) - 500 ml

Reef Colors D Supplement is part of the complete range of complementary major, minor and trace element complexes which together provide the needs of corals. Reef Colors D Supplement contains a blend of trace elements that are associated with many biological processes, one of them being the production of purple/blue pigments in the soft tissue of corals. To ensure coral health, the ppm level of these elements must be maintained within a narrow band and therefore should only be dosed according to a measured requirement of the aquarium.

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