Livraison de poissons et coraux bientôt disponible!
418-476-3674 - 1375 Frank-Carrel, Québec (Sainte-Foy), G1N 2E7
Disponibilité: En rupture de stock
RED X is a special formula that prevents algae growth in the aquarium. Red X safely treats unwanted algae in a biological / organic way and is very gentle to aquarium inhabitants. When used correctly at the intended dosage, RED X is 100% safe to use and harmless to corals, fish, and invertebrates.
RED X is effective against:
Green and red cyanobacteria
Mild dinoflagellate infestation (Ostreopsis sp., Amphidinium sp., Prorocentrum sp., Coolia sp., Symbiodinium and others)
Gold and armor algae
Add 10ml per 100 liters (26 US gal) daily for 6 days, then wait for an additional 5 days for full effects to occur.
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